
Diablo 3 Monk Class Guide

Spirit:Monks have perfected the ability to tap into the wellspring of Spirit within, and can unleash this limitless force in an undivided chain of attacks. True masters of Spirit have learned that the secret to replenish this overwhelming energy is the very same reason that they learned to harness it; to unleash and string together Spirit in a series of explosive attacks.

Through years of training they have built up their physical and martial prowess to harness and embody the invisible, which in turn gives them the stamina to endure countless battles and deliver as much fast-paced strikes as their gods will allow. Just as monks can harness Spirit to surge through hordes of enemies, they can also concentrate and gather Spirit for effective defensive maneuvers or potent finishing strikes.
All apprentice monks wear the standard Sahptev garb, however as monks progress on their journey to become holy warriors they start to wear full armor sets specifically to design to uphold their fighting style; armor that can withstand powerful blows and at the same time remain light and flexible to ensure swift movement in battle.
The Monks incorporate spirit stones, daibos and fist weapons to enhance their fighting style. A spirit stone allows monks to channel and focus Spirit to harden their skin and armor. A monk's iron fist is their main weapon, however they can equip fist weapons, hand wraps, knuckle spikes and knife blades to enforce their iron will in hand-to-hand combat. Through years of training monks have learned to use diabos as extensions of themselves, allowing them to keep their enemies and range and deliver whirlwind strikes.
Spiritual Power: Devoted monks have learned to master the forces of Spirit; through years of training they have learned to replenish and unleash Spirit simultaneously. As they allow this energy to flow through them and take form they can direct Spirit into explosive attacks or utilize it to move swiftly in combat.
Mantras: Although monks can embody spirit they can also materialize spirit into waves of concentrated energy through mantras; mantras allows monks to surround themselves or their comrades in a layer of healing and empowering energy.
Combos: When monks focus their Spirit energy - concentrate it, align it and reinforce it, it multiplies in force. With each consecutive strike they deal increasingly powerful attacks, build up additional Spirit energy and produce results that are extraordinary and seemingly supernatural.
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